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About Adam:

Adam Persinger is a practitioner of Rolfing® Structural Integration, and a student of Vajrayana Buddhism, the Diamond Approach (an intensive somatic inquiry path), yoga, qigong and the gyrotonic method.  Adam started his career as a licensed massage therapist in 2004 in Portland Oregon.    Besides his love for meditation, movement and somatic embodiment Adam writes and performs music as Body Holographic:  Also on Spotify.  

 All this has informed a unique approach into embodied presence.



Training: From 2004-2011 Adam spent around a month each year in meditation retreat with his teacher of Vajrayana Buddhism, Khentrul Lodro Thaye Rinpoche, including 3 months in a monastery in Tibet.  In 2012 he finished a yoga teacher training at the People's Yoga.  He has been studying Qi gong with Master Wu also since 2012  Adam started out as a massage therapist, graduating from the Ashland Institute of Massage in 2003.  Adam finished his study at the Rolf Institute in Brazil in 2010.  He has studied Continuum Movement with Emilie Conrad and Susan Harper.  He’s been a student of the Diamond Approach ( since 2010.  He’s studied nerve work with Jon Martine, osteopathic techniques with Ron Murray, and joint restriction with John deMahy.  He is certified as a trainer in the Gyrotonic expansion system.  Structural-Visceral Gastrointestinal Interrelationships with Bruce Schonfeld, and Fascial Counterstrain at the Jones Institute. Adam is currently studying Visceral Manipulation at the Barral Institute, Craniosacral therapy with the Upledger Institute, and Somatic Experiencing with Peter Levine.​


We accept the following insurance: Regence, Providence, Moda, Cigna, United, and Pacific Source, as well as automobile accidents, MVA.  Please call us if you have any questions as to whether or not you have coverage for our services.  Cash rate is $175 for 75 minutes. 

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